Bake Outside the Box! Try My Dark Chocolate Brownie Recipe

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My dark chocolate brownie recipe will make you want to nix the mix. Once you taste these gooey bittersweet brownies you'll be hooked.

Dark chocolate brownie recipe better than the box.

Lots of cocoa gives them an extra dark chocolate flavor for the chocolate lover in you.

Not ready for extra dark? Simply modify the recipe in one easy step. I'll tell you how.

Worried about the fat?

Try the lower fat recipe.

Either way, you'll experience the joy of dark chocolate....

Imagine the aroma of cocoa brownies baking...the anticipation of that first bite, still warm, as it lands on your tongue.

Your eyes close as the chocolate caresses your taste buds.

The corners of your mouth slowly turn up...stop dreaming and make it!

Watch the video to see how it's done!

Dark Chocolate Brownie Recipe

1/2 cup (110g) of margarine, melted

1/2 cup (56g) natural cocoa

1 cup (192g) granulated sugar

1 teaspoon (4g) of vanilla

2 large eggs

1/2 cup (50g) all-purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon (1.25g) salt

1/4 teaspoon (1g) baking powder

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C/gas 4). Lightly grease an 8-inch (20 x 20 x 5 cm) square pan with non-stick cooking spray.

Melt margarine in 2 1/2 quart (2.5 liters) bowl. Carefully mix in the cocoa, sugar, and vanilla. Add the eggs, mixing well to incorporate.

Stir in the flour, salt, and baking powder, scraping the sides of the bowl frequently, until fully blended.

Spread evenly into prepared pan.

Bake for about 20 minutes (remember oven temperatures can vary and altitude can affect baking times). Edges of brownie will pull away slightly from sides of pan when done.

Not enough chocolate for you? Next time throw in some semisweet chocolate chips. Or maybe a combination of semisweet with a few milk or white chocolate chips for variety.

How about making brownies with Raw Organic Cacao . Raw retains more of the beneficial bits of the bean.

Get creative! Make your dark chocolate brownies special.

Chocolate Brownies Video

Take a look at the super simple process of making chocolate brownies. Always wanted to be a baker but were unsure what to do?

This short video will guide you to success.

Creative Commons License The Annual New England Xylophone Symposium by DoKashiteru is licensed under a Attribution (3.0).

Now go to the kitchen with a new sense of confidence. Bake those bad boys like a pro.

Then share 'em, if you can spare 'em with family and friends. ;)

Chocolate Brownies

Dark chocolate brownie recipe too dark for you? Really?

Simply reduce the cocoa content and your brownies won't be too chocolaty.

Use 1/3 cup (38g) of cocoa. That's all you have to do!

The rest of the recipe stays the same. Simply substitute 1/3 of a cup (38g) of cocoa for the 1/2 cup (110g).

You don't need to adjust the other ingredients.

Lower Fat Recipe for Dark Chocolate Brownies

Use 1/2 cup of light spread*, melted, in place of the margarine and 2 egg whites** instead of the whole eggs.

That's it. Two simple changes reduce the fat content considerably.

Use a spread like Smart® Balance light. It's more difficult to melt, but it's healthier. The fat content is much less. Plus you get the omegas 3 & 6, no trans fats and it's nondairy.

*Contains 5grams of fat per tablespoon compared to regular margarine with 9 to 11grams of fat per tablespoon.

**Egg whites are fat free. The yolks contain approximately 4.5grams of fat each.

You can reduce the fat content of the cocoa brownies by over 40 grams. These two healthy substitutions lower the fat without changing the taste.

Low Fat Brownies from a Box

Not ready to ban the box? But still want to cut out some fat? Then try a box of low fat brownie mix by Betty Crocker.

I did and not they're bad. Not as good as homemade, of course, but slightly easier to make than my dark chocolate brownie recipe.

A quick look at the nutrition facts shows some savings on fat and calories when compared to a box of Original Supreme brownies by Betty Crocker.

How much difference? The low fat version has 140 calories per serving. Twenty five of those calories are from fat.

The Supreme brownies have 160 calories per serving. Forty five are from fat.

The serving sizes are almost identical.

On the downside, the low fat brownies have 25mg more sodium and 2% less iron per serving.

The box won't bring you a huge savings on fat and calories. But when every calorie counts...

Healthy Substitution to Increase Fiber Intake

Here's another way to boost the health benefits of my dark chocolate brownie recipe.

This one will help you increase your fiber intake. Replace the 1/2 cup of all purpose flour with whole wheat graham flour.

The graham flour adds four times more fiber to the recipe.

What a great way to put more fiber in your diet.

Don't like the taste of whole wheat? Good news, the 1/2 cup of cocoa conceals the flavor of the whole wheat flour. You don't even taste your healthy addition!

Give the dark chocolate brownie recipe a try. It's really easy to make. Now go ahead, you're ready. It's time to wave bye, bye to Betty Crocker®. And say hello to homemade!

Want to try cheesecake brownies or chocolate caramel brownies? Visit my Chocolate Brownie Recipe Page!

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