German Chocolate Cake Make You Quake?

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Watch this video and learn how to bake a german chocolate cake. You can do it.

Once you see how it's done, making it will be more fun!

The most difficult part is whipping the egg whites into stiff peaks. That takes a few minutes. But I show you what they look like when they're ready.

No worries!

Take the guess work and the stress out. Watch the cake and frosting videos before you bake.

See the steps you need to take to make this delicious cake and frosting. Then stride forward with confidence!

Remember the temperature is measured in Fahrenheit.

See How to Bake This Chocolate Cake

Creative Commons License Kindergarten by Gurdonark is licensed under a Attribution (3.0).

Whipping Egg Whites

This step takes time. The egg whites start out as a nearly clear liquid. Then they develop a light foam, with large air bubbles, on top of the liquid.

Finally, the foam becomes more solid with just a trace of liquid.

How can you tell when the egg whites are ready? Test them.

Stop the mixer. Pull the beaters out. If the egg whites are ready, they will hold the peak shape seen in the video.

If the peaks are too soft to hold their shape, beat for about 30 seconds. Then repeat the test.

Don't over beat them!

German Chocolate Frosting: The Icing on the Cake

What makes a german chocolate cake special? That distinctive german chocolate frosting. Light golden brown with lots of pecans and coconut. It's what makes the cake elegant, memorable and tempting.

And delicious!

Now you can learn to make it. This how to video will help steer you to success. See the steps then imitate them. It's not difficult to do.

You need to know how to make that trademark icing. Without it, it's just a plain chocolate cake. Spread it on and make it special!

German Frosting Video

Creative Commons License Pulse (George Ellinas remix) by George_Ellinas is licensed under a Attribution (3.0).


Cook the icing on medium heat. If your saucepan is very light weight, you may need to reduce the heat.

Stir this stuff constantly to prevent burning.

The icing is ready when it thickens and turns a very light golden brown. It won't be extremely thick, but you'll notice the difference.

Remove pan from the heat and add coconut and pecans. Beat till it cools.

The recipe makes enough icing to cover the top and between each layer.

Want more frosting? Double the recipe to make enough to cover the sides. Or for a more generous coating on the top and layers.

Chocolate Cake and Frosting Recipe

Visit the german chocolate cake recipe with frosting page. You'll find the list of ingredients and detailed instructions. Everything you need to bake this elegant and delicious chocolate cake.

It really is easier to make than you might think!

Now that you know, give it a go. It's light chocolate. So it's a great choice for all chocoholics. Homemade and better quality than a lot of bakeries.

Distinctive frosting makes this elegant cake. And you can learn to make them both!

It's not only tasty, it's an eye catcher! Bring the best looking cake to your next party.

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