Reduce Blood Pressure: Dark Chocolate ACE Treatment

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Looking for high blood pressure alternatives? Dark chocolate can reduce blood pressure. Swedish study reveals how bittersweet battles this health problem.


Dark chocolate goes to work on the ACE enzyme, reducing it.

Less of the enzyme means lower blood pressure.

Works like the Ace inhibiting drugs now in use.

Tastier treatment than the prescribed pill. But is it as effective?

Dark Chocolate High Blood Pressure Study

A Swedish study conducted by Linkoping University tested 16 people. Blood samples were taken from all participants.

Then each ate 2 1/2 ounces of dark chocolate with a high cocoa content.

About three hours later more blood was taken. When compared with samples taken before the test, the Ace levels in the subjects blood had dropped as much as 18%.

Surprisingly, the study showed dark chocolate was as effective as ACE inhibiting drugs.

ACE Inhibitor

Why is that important? Because ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme, changes angiotensin into angiotensin II.

Angiotensin II raises blood pressure. It causes blood vessels to narrow and the kidneys to excrete less. That's serious because it makes the heart work harder.

Dark chocolate was shown to reduce blood pressure by inhibiting ACE just like prescribed drugs.

Which is good news because the prescription drugs can have some serious side-effects like...

  • skin rash
  • low blood pressure
  • swelling of hands, feet, face or mouth
  • numbness or tingling in lips, feet or hands
  • breathing problems
  • confusion
  • irregular heartbeat

Isn't dark chocolate bad for you ? Health conditions can sometimes be aggravated by it.

But it just may be turn out to be another treatment for high blood pressure. Alternatives are a nice option to have, right?

Good old dark chocolate is shaping up to be quite a force in the battle to reduce blood pressure. I, for one, would much rather pop some bittersweet than a pill. More fun to swallow, probably safer, and won't leave a bad taste in your mouth. The dream could come true!

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