Bakeries in Texas Guide to Dessert

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State of Texas chocolate desserts.

The Bakeries in Texas Guide will point you to the bakeries and caterers near you. Or those that will ship.

Listed here you'll find businesses or individuals that carry tempting chocolate desserts for any and all occasions.

Cakes, pies, cookies, candy and more. Find what you crave like a big ol' chocolate pecan pie.

Or hire someone to bring the desserts to your next BBQ, wedding or graduation. Or buy a pair of chocolate boots or candy shaped like Texas.

Chances are somewhere in the Lone Star State somebody makes or will make it for you. This Chocolate Desserts Directory of Texas sweets is designed to list those that do for you.

How to Use This Guide

Look at the roster of chocolate dessert makers below. It's listed alphabetically by city. Under each city is an alphabetized list of dessert makers.

Click and you'll be sent to the individual or business's page. There you'll find information about the chocolate desserts, location, business hours and contact details. Please contact the bakery or individual for complete information about their business.

Texas Chocolate Dessert Makers-Bakeries, Caterers, etc.

In a state where the fair is know for dessert originals like fried chocolate candy, deep fried smores and fried cake on a stick ordinary just isn't allowed! Texas is home to some dare devils of the dessert world.

See what these folks have to offer...


Romanos Bakery


The Chocolate Bar

DACAPOS Pastry Cafe

Lake Jackson


San Antonio

Cupcake Couture

Limited Listings for Bakeries in Texas

Sorry, not a lot of listings yet. But that's changing. I'm constantly adding new ones. So feel free to check back often.

Use this handy search engine while your waiting!


Word is starting to spread about this guide but more listings are always welcome!

If you know of such a business, it'd be mighty neighborly of you to let them know about this free business listing.

Kindly direct them to the Chocolate Dessert Directory Submission Page. Thanks, pardner.

Didn't Find What You Needed?

Well, why not take the bull by the horns and learn to make it or bake it yourself?

Get helpful hints.

Then get baking like Betty Crocker with some awesome pans. Make some fabulous multi-layered cakes like the professionals. Or a cake shaped like a horse's head.

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