Is Dark Chocolate Vegan?

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Dark chocolate made without animal products for vegans.

When is dark chocolate vegan?

When no animals are harmed/used to make the chocolate product. 

That can be a difficult thing to determine.

That can be a difficult thing to determine.

But there are ways to enjoy dark chocolate without the guilt.

Make it yourself, search the packaging or buy vegan certified products.

You've chosen to go vegan for the benefit of the animals, the planet, and yourself.

Now learn how to choose the right dark chocolate for your diet.

What's Vegan?

You're a vegan (or working on it) eating only plant based foods.

You want some dark chocolate that doesn't contain any dairy, eggs or any kind of animal product.

Fortunately, chocolate (cocoa) is a plant based food.

But processing it into candy, beverages, or desserts can introduce lots of animal products.

Avoid that problem! Bake your own. That way you know what's in it.

Most people find candy making difficult. It's usually easier but more expensive to buy it.

Do it yourself and avoid animal products.

Homemade candy and desserts make great and affordable gifts. Made with love and cruelty free!

Is Dark Chocolate Vegan or Not?

What could possibly be offensive about a luscious piece of dark chocolate? Well, some of it contains a small amount of milk or milk fat.

A thorough search of the package will alert you to dairy products (allergens) thanks to a U.S. law which took effect in 2006.

Even if the chocolate contains no animal products, it can become contaminated.

How? Companies often use the same machine(s) to make all their chocolate products. It's too expensive to have dedicated machines for each line.

So even though they are cleaned between batches, traces of animal products can remain on the equipment.

Or what if the sugar has been processed with bone char (charcoal made from animal bones) to whiten it? How would you know? Choose a product with unrefined sugar.

So what's a vegan to do?    Study labels, buy organic or...

Vegan Certification

Look for vegan certified products, of course. But it's not that simple.

There's no FDA or single vegan standard to follow. Even certified products aren't always labeled.

I did a quick survey of various brands of dark chocolate. Only one out of the seven brands (Green & Black's Organic) stated that it was suitable for vegans. None displayed a vegan certification.

Apparently the demand is not yet large enough for a certification process like that used for organic products.

Kosher dark chocolate might be a useful alternative.

Where to Find It

Until the demand is there, you'll have to continue to search for vegan dark chocolate. You may find it at your local supermarket. But whole food, or health food stores are more likely to carry it. Naturally the internet is a great place to find it.

So when is dark chocolate vegan? When you care enough to demand it. So let your voices be heard. Or better yet, make your own!

Keep up with vegan-chocolate-news here.

Try Dairy-Free Cookies. Make Some Homemade Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

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