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Chocolate Lover What's On Your Mind?

Have something you want to say about chocolate? Share it! There's plenty to discuss, let's get started.

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Whether it bugs you or you want to buzz about it, this is your place to tell the world!

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What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Ghirardelli is the Only Gourmet Brand of Chocolate in the Rural Area I live in. 
I would really like to try some of the other gourmet chocolate out there. The only different brand here in this area is Ghirardelli. I do like it. But …

Dark Chocolate Candy from Omaha's Old Market Not rated yet
Just got back from a trip to Omaha, Nebraska with some dark chocolate candy souvenirs!! Let me tell you where I found some good candy so you can get …

Magnum Mini Ice Cream Bars A Diet Aid? Not rated yet
Hey, chocolate lovers! Good news from Magnum Ice Cream. Now they offer Mini bars. You can feed your ice cream craving without breaking the calorie …

New Chocolate Raspberry Cookies Newtons Fruit Thins Not rated yet
Here's some good dark chocolate news. New chocolate cookies on a store shelf near you! Like whole grain? Cookies that are healthy or at least a little …

Pocky Chocolate Dipped Cookies Not rated yet
Hi, Just wanted to tell everyone about these wonderful Japanese chocolate dipped cookie sticks. I found them in the Asian food section of my supermarket. …

Chocolate Lover Happy Meal? Not rated yet
Well, what else would you call this box of chocolate chip cookies from McDonald's? This chocolate lover was sure happy to get it. And I could of made …

I Love Dark Chocolate M and Ms! Not rated yet
These little dark chocolate m and ms are the greatest! Awesome chocolate flavor and you can carry them with you wherever you go. And of course, they …

Tried Your Dark Chocolate Brownie Recipe Not rated yet
Hi, I used your guide to make dark chocolate brownies and they were amazing! Thanks for putting this together - my family just loved it. …

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